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Arrived October 19, 2020

Forward purchased 2 x 35kg of Felipe Henao's Washed Bourbon Chiroso

Two (2) bags of 35kg have been booked by Rogue Wave Coffee in Edmonton, Alberta.

Felipe Henao is just 23 years old and has taken over management of his family farm.  This lot is a collection of Bourbon Chiroso that were placed in whole cherry to ferment under water for 3 days. Afterward Felipe washes the lots and dries them on raised beds. The variety Bourbon Chiroso has become really popular in Urrao Antioquia where Felipe is based. It is a natural mutation that became locally famous in 2014 when Carmen Montoya won the Cup of Excellence with this variety. 

Felipe has just recently been announced as the Cup of Excellence winner for 2020 with a washed Bourbon Chiroso from another farm he owns called Los Tres Muscateres. This is his first time participating in the Cup of Excellence and the second time that Chiroso has won.

This coffee was purchased through Cofinet, a Colombian based producer and exporter who works in many capacities in the coffee industry. They're constantly experimenting on their own farms (Jardines del Eden, Santa Monica) and sharing their discoveries with other producers in Colombia. They've helped connect Forward with Felipe Henao and we plan to continue working with them to discover more like-minded coffee producers in Colombia who are pushing the boundaries like Felipe.  

Variety: Bourbon Chiroso
Price per kilogram: 17.68 USD FOB
Process: Washed
Total kilos available: 70 kg
Harvest date: March 2020
Fermentation: The cherry is placed in water for a long pre-fermentation of approximately 72 hours.
Drying time: 12 days total direct drying in raised beds

Altitude: 1800masl
Region: Urrao, Antioquia