DOI SAKET [2022]



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Arrived on December 1, 2022 to Calgary Warehouse

Forward has purchased 1 x 60kg bag of Doi Saket Natural Yeast Inoculation Typica

One (1) bag has been booked by Rogue Wave Coffee Roasters in Edmonton, Alberta

Doi Saket is the oldest coffee growing area in Thailand, located in Chiang Mai province. Back in the late 1970's, the first Arabica trees that were part of the opium replacement program of the Thai King were tested here, and have never been replaced by higher-yield cultivars like in many other regions. As a result, heirloom varieties, particularly Typica, are still commonplace in many old farms. The coffee trees are 30-40 years old, older than the farmers! We want to demonstrate to the farmers that there are people who appreciate and are willing to pay more for the heirloom cultivar to compensate for the lower yield. Typica is now rare as farmers replaced it with higher yield and more rust resistant strands.

This is an experimental lot from Doi Saket in Chiang Mai that Beanspire worked with Nui Intakad & Aoy Jaisooksern, a young couple, who had quit their white collar jobs in the city to come back to their parents' coffee farm 7 years ago. Nui is 36 and is an engineer by training, while Aoy is 33 and is an accountant by training.

This coffee involves inoculating the coffee cherries with two types of yeasts. With a yeast that is traditionally used for red wine, we fermented the coffee cherries in closed tanks with a one-way valve. We rolled the tanks in order to make sure that the cherries and yeast are blended properly. After 5 days, we added extra nutrients to help prolong the fermentation and yeast growth. Then, we added a second type of yeast that is traditionally used for white wine into the tanks and left the cherries to ferment for an extra 5 days and rolled the tanks regularly. This extended process helps elicit fruit-forward and chocolate-like flavors in the coffee. After the fermentation, the cherries are then taken out of the tank laid out on a thin layer on raised beds for 25 days until the moisture hits an appropriate level. Because of the long fermentation period, this may present some roasting challenge, but if you do it right this will be an extremely exciting coffee for the customers.

In terms of green preparation, the coffee went through a destoner, huller, size grader, density table and ended with handsorting. The green passed through the density table multiple times. We shipped coffee in a triple layered bag, which includes a cotton bag in the outer layer, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in the middle layer and GrainPro in the innermost layer.


Price Forward paid per kilogram: $13.45 USD EXW
Total kilos available: 60kg (1 x 60kg)

Producers: Nui & Aoy x Beanspire

Region: Doi Saket, Chiang Mai
Process: Sequential-Inoculation Natural (labeled on the bag as 'Natural Yeast Fermentation')
Fermentation: A 2-stage anaerobic fermentation using red then white wine-yeast
Drying time: Dried on raised beds for 25 days
Altitude: 1300 masl.
Varietals: Typica